Blue Square Energy (BSE)
Blue Square Energy (BSE) is one of the world’s fastest growing manufacturers and developers of high-performance silicon solar cells. Our proprietary Bright Point technology utilizes impurity-enriched silicon to efficiently convert the sun’s power into electricity.
Traditional energy sources, such as coal and natural gas, cannot sustain the world’s growing demand for electricity. Moreover, current solar technologies — conventional silicon, thin film, amorphous — are too expensive and do not generate enough power to meet market demands.
Our products are designed to solve the world’s energy crisis. Based on years of photovoltaic (PV) research and manufacturing, Bright Point is the foundation of realistic and reliable solutions. This low-cost, high-performance solar technology enables BSE to provide affordable solar power to homes, businesses and communities.
Blue Square Energy is always interested in hearing from customers, vendors, partners, investors and solar energy supporters. Please fill out the form below, and we will contact you in the near future.
Blue Square Energy can be contacted directly at:
Blue Square Energy
6 Industrial Drive
North East, MD 21901
phone: + 1 410 287 0744
fax: + 1 410 287 8543
