2009 NGA University Research Initiatives (NURI) BAA
2009 NGA University Research Initiatives (NURI) BAA
The synopsis for this grant opportunity is detailed below, following this paragraph. This synopsis contains all of the updates to this document that have been posted as of 02/06/2009 . If updates have been made to the opportunity synopsis, update information is provided below the synopsis.
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Description of Modification
This is the NGA NURI BAA (HM1582-09-BAA-0003) re-opened as HM1582-09-BAA-A103. Closing date is 30 April 2009.
Document Type: Modification to Previous Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: HM1582-09-BAA-A103
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Posted Date: Feb 06, 2009
Creation Date: Mar 31, 2009
Original Closing Date for Applications: Mar 19, 2009
Current Closing Date for Applications: Apr 30, 2009 Re-opened on 31 March 2009. Closes on 30 April 2009.
Archive Date: May 30, 2009
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards: 9
Estimated Total Program Funding: $6,750,000
Award Ceiling: $6,750,000
Award Floor: $300,000
CFDA Number(s): 12.630 -- Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No
Eligible Applicants
Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
Private institutions of higher education
Additional Information on Eligibility:
Agency Name
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
Pursuant to a recent judicial decision regarding grant awards based on US Code Title 10 U.S.C. 2323 (Rothe Development Corp. v. U.S. Dept. of Defense, et. al., No. SA-98-CA-IOII-XR (W.D. TX 29 February 2009), the 2009 NGA Historically Black Colleges & Universities And Minority Institutions Educational Research Initiative (HBCU/MI ERI) BAA (HM1582-09-BAA-0002) has been cancelled. This 2009 NGA University Research Initiatives (NURI) BAA is being reopened to allow institutions that competed for a 2009 HBCU/MI ERI grant to resubmit applications for a 2009 NURI grant under 2009 NURI BAA guidelines. Changes to the NURI BAA are in blue text. Sentences deleted from paragraphs as a result of the above judicial decision are annotated with a blue sidebar. Administrative changes are also annotated with a blue sidebar. Changes are in the Header, Overview, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2.1, 4.5, 4.6, and 7.1 only. All previously submitted 2009 NURI proposals that were acknowledged as accepted by grants.gov for the 2009 NURI BAA are being retained and will be evaluated for grant award along with any new proposals received during the revised submission period. Offerors are encouraged to NOT resubmit previously accepted 2009 NURI proposals to avoid potential confusion and redundancy with the previously accepted proposals. If you are not satisfied with your proposal as submitted under HM1582-09-BAA-0003 and wish to resubmit, please clearly annotate that this is a resubmission and we will delete the previous submission. IF YOU ARE SATISFIED WITH YOUR PROPOSAL SUBMITTED UNDER HM1582-09-BAA-0003 AND YOUR PROPOSAL WAS ACCEPTED BY GRANTS.GOV, YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESUBMIT. This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), by the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA), announces the Fiscal Year 2009 competition for the NGA University Research Initiatives (NURI) program. The program focuses on specific research topics in geospatial-intelligence analysis and its related technologies. This includes research to help improve analyst abilities as well as to provide better automated capabilities in the analyst environment. The NURI program awards multi-year grants to address NGA’s needs. The program is a component of the NGA Academic Research Program (NARP). Grants will be awarded as a result of this BAA.
Link to Full Announcement
If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:
Andrew Karl
Grants Officer
Phone 703-264-2175 Andrew.J.Karl@nga.mil
Synopsis Modification History
The following files represent the modifications to this synopsis with the changes noted within the documents. The list of files is arranged from newest to oldest with the newest file representing the current synopsis. Changed sections from the previous document are shown in a light grey background.
